Organized 1910; Incorporated 1940; Celebrating 112 Years of Activism
The challenges currently facing the District of Columbia make concerted, coordinated citizen action more important than ever. Too often, residents’ views are missing from the forums in which policy is set; too often, the presumption is made that our city is lacking a civic conscience as well.
The Federation of Community Associations of the District of Columbia (Federation) is uniquely able to serve as the coordinating body for Washingtonians’ interests and is committed to bringing the voice of District taxpayers to policy discussions. The purpose of the Federation is:
- To provide a forum for the expression and interchange of informed opinion;
- To further the interests of the people of the District of Columbia and of the city as a whole; and
- To secure and take effective united action.
Activities of the Federation involve neighborhood-specific and city-wide issues and include submitting comments and testifying on behalf of the people of the District before local and regional agencies, the Council of the District of Columbia and the Congress of the United States.
The Federation also serves as liaison with the DC Mayor and City Council on matters important to District citizens. It works in concert with other community organizations to accomplish specific goals.
Assembly meetings are held to highlight an array of topics important to residents, such as education, homeland security and public safety, zoning, local news, city budget, ethics, health care, transportation and other infrastructure, parks, libraries, and summer jobs, as well as to provide assistance to member associations dealing with neighborhood issues.
Membership in the Federation is available to any community association that includes within its purposes the advancement of its community’s interest and those of the people of the District of Columbia, and we welcome your organization to join.